Bildende Künstler

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11.2.2012 - 3.3.2012

kARüche Galerie
LeykeStr. 17a

11.2.2012 - 3.3.2012

kARTüche Gallery
Tue-Fr: 2.30-6pm + Mo, Sa: By app. | LeykeStr. 17a_Berlin-Neukölln.

" R E T I N A "

Engravures and paintings by

Isabella FEDELE a.k.a TULINO and Emiliano BAIOCCHI

Vernissage: Sat. Feb 11. 2012 at 7pm
Exhibition: Until March 3rd 2012.

Press release, Berlin : Feb 2nd 2012.

The game between a weft and its expressed dimension, between volumes and mixed colors, and also between the genres; this is what the exhibition " Retina " aims to exhalter…a set to play, visions to unify.
Through the paintings by Emiliano BAIOCCHI and the engravures by Isabella FEDELE a.k.a TULINO, the male / female duality is stretched inbetween the artwork depths. With Emiliano, the power turns out to be especially in the architectural construction, it is a merciless and remorseless mechanics. This is where its perfection is to be found; Step in front, there is at first a piece made of almost mathematical working off. But from a three meters distance, the sensitive dimension definitly surges out, step back.
With Isabella, the engravures are rather subversive and emotional. They carrie a pictorial message, dwelling in the line of the weft, in its own nature. Her artworks in general seems pert and rather ingenuous, it is necessary to get closer to contemplate the beauty and the details of the pieces, and one won’t properly reach its density by missing this step…forward.
Fragile, strong, frank and awkward, tortured and desperately wearing hope.
« Retina » is a path from the lay-out to the framework, the passion and the pictorial catharsis.

KONTAKT | | | +49 (030)53792492

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